Author name: topradio

Two-Way Radio Communication Language

Wondering how to communicate through your two-way radio? Well, we are going to cover absolutely everything that you need to know on this page! We really are going to introduce you to the basics of two-way radio communication language, which means that you can hop onto your two-way radio and start communicating with the world sooner as opposed to later. Let’s jump in, shall we?

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Intercom Paging System

A wireless intercom paging system uses wireless intercom units that transmit to wireless public address (PA) receivers placed about the building. Each receiver can have two horn speakers attached for greater coverage area. In addition there are transmitters that can send pre-recorded messages or tones so the system can also be used as an emergency evacuation system as well.

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Two Way Radio Communication Training

Did you know that you don’t need to jump in blindly when you are using your two-way radio? There are plenty of courses out there that will teach you the specifics of operating two-way radio. On this page, we are going to look at a little bit about these courses, as well as give you an indication as to whether they are right for you or not. We will wrap by giving you a bit of advice on finding the perfect course for you!

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Two Way Radio Frequencies List

Before we dive into this article, we do want to point out that this is not going to be a complete two-way radio frequencies list. Doing something like that would be rather pointless. Two-way radio covers an incredibly broad spectrum of radio frequencies. In addition to this, for most purposes of two-way radios (except for CB radio), you will not be communicating with people en-mass. You will be doing it in private (well, mostly private). In some cases you won’t need to know how to find two way radio frequencies as some radios are pre-programmed. Unfortunately, this still doesn’t mean that all frequencies will work. So, even if you did have a complete list, it may not make sense to your radio.

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How Do Two Way Radios Work?

While it isn’t necessary to know exactly how two-way radios work if you are planning on buying one, it is always worth knowing a little bit about the basics. So, that is exactly what we are going to teach you on this page. We are going to run you through the absolute basics of how they operate. This should probably help to open your eyes a little bit to the benefits of owning this piece of kit.

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