Two Way Radios for Retail Stores

Staying in touch with your staff in a retail outlet is important. It is a great way to carry out stock or price checks. It is a fantastic way to notify other staff members of any problems. There are plenty of 2-way radios for retail stores on the market. We want to introduce you to our favorite: the Motorola RMU2040. Let’s take a little look at why.

What Matters Most for Two Way Radios for Retail Stores

Now, if you are in a retail store, you would think that the range of the radio doesn’t matter, right? After all, you are going to all be in rather close proximity to one another. However, we are telling you now that the range on the two way radio does matter.

Chances are that if you are in a retail store, you are going to have walls and displays galore. There will also be a lot of people walking around. Radio signals tend not to be big fans of all this commotion. They want a straight path to the other radios. Thankfully, the Motorola RMU2040 has been designed to tackle all of those obstacles with ease. The signal of this can get through a whopping 20 floors, so it is perfect for even the largest of retail establishments.

Easy to Use

Chances are that you want your radios to be nothing more than a communication tool. You don’t want people to be fiddling about with the radios for ages to try and make a call work. You want them to be able to press a button and speak. That is it. Nobody wants to train their staff to use a radio. They have much more important jobs.

Thankfully, the Motorola RMU2040 has designed to be dead simple to use. Some would argue a little bit too simple; mostly because you can only program two channels at once, but simple nonetheless. Once you have the radios set up, you just press the ‘talk’ button and you can speak. No messing about with frequencies or anything like that. You can even set privacy up on the channels so nobody is listening to your conversations unless you want them to.

Fast Charging

A single charge of these radios should last a full working day, even if you are talking to people regularly. However, it doesn’t matter too much if it doesn’t. These radios are quick to charge. In fact, you can charge them in as little as 2-hours. As long as you have a few of these for your store, you should always have ones ready for your staff to take. It is fantastic. We don’t actually think that there is a faster-charging walkie talkie multipack set on the market, at least not of this quality.

It is also worth noting that the batteries in this radio are lithium-ion batteries. For those who are unaware, it means that these batteries do not have a memory effect. This means that you can charge them whenever you wish, and you do not have to worry about the quality of the battery dwindling over time. Sure, eventually you will need to replace the batteries, but Motorola batteries are some of the best around, and you could quite easily get a few years out of them without any issues.

To save battery, there are a few battery saving modes built into the radio. This is why it is able to last for so long without being charged. Although, do bear in mind that the more you talk, the quicker the battery will drain!

Two Way Radios for Retail Stores


Motorola radios are built to be used each and every day. They are built to be used at all hours of each day, in fact. They will do this, and they are still going to be able to provide you with years and years of use. It can even take a couple of knocks without problems. Although, it isn’t as ‘tough’ as some of the construction site-focused radios. This means you shouldn’t purposefully be knocking it about. A couple of drops here and there probably wouldn’t cause many issues, though.

Audio Quality

There isn’t an auto squelch feature in the Motorola RMU2040, but we do not think it needs one. You see, the audio quality here is superb. As long as the people you are talking to are not too far away, and they are unlikely to be if you are in a retail outlet, then the message will come through loud and clear. When you are working in retail, you can’t let a message get lost in translation. It could upset a customer! It would also be a waste of time for all your staff. You need that message to be heard properly first time, and this radio guarantees that will happen.

The Downsides

We know that the price of the Motorola RMU2040 can be a little bit off-putting for those smaller retail stores. In fact, it may be a little bit off-putting for even the larger stores, particularly since you will need to buy a few sets of them. However, do bear in mind that these radios are designed to last an incredibly long time. Sure, you could probably buy radios that are cheaper than this, but you will be replacing them a whole lot more frequently. This means that by going cheaper, you will be spending more money in the long term.

It is also important to note that only two of the channels are going to be active when you pull the radio out of the box. We do love this, mostly for simplicity. However, some people will want to use more than two of these channels at once. This means that you will need to plug the radio into a computer. However, the whole process is fairly self-explanatory. It is just a rather annoying extra step.


If you want a quality set of radios for your store, then there really is no better option than the Motorola RMU2040. Sure. The price is a little bit on the high side, but you are getting a lot of tech for that price. This is a must-buy, in our opinion.

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