Base Antennas for CB Radios

If you are looking for base antennas for CB radios, then you know that you are going to be spoiled for choice. On this page, we want to take a little look at what is regarded as one of the best antennas on the market; the Nagoya GPK-01. No matter what you are using your CB radio for, we are sure that it is going to come in handy.

Base Antennas for CB RadiosBase Antennas for CB Radios
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Why Do You Need A Base Antenna?

It’s true that all CB radios need an antenna, so if it’s not built-in, you’ll need to find one that best suits your needs. The CB manufacturer that produced your radio says likely makes one, but from what we’ve found they’re typically less than steller. You can almost always get better results with a 3rd party external base antenna. It will result in your radio having a far better range and, perhaps more importantly, far better sound quality.

Honestly, a base antenna is an ‘essential’ purchase for anybody who owns a CB radio if you plan on using it often. You don’t need to spend much on one. You just need to make sure that whatever you pick up is of high quality. This is what the Nagoya GPK-01 offers.


Most people who own CB radios own one simply because they need communication out there on the road or on the water. They don’t want anything too complicated. They want something that they can flick the on and communicate with people in the immediate area. This means they really don’t need anything that takes an age to set-up. The Nagoya GPK-01 takes mere minutes to get it all hooked up.

Compatible with SMA-Female and UHF systems, you have everything you need ‘in the box’ to connect the antenna to your current CB radio set-up. After that, simply use the included mount to attach it to a pole. Want to use it in a vehicle? It’s a simple matter of sticking the antenna on the front of your vehicle using the magnet (it is an incredibly strong magnet! but delicate enough not to takeoff the paint) and you are ready to receive transmissions. There is enough wiring included in the box to reach around even the longest of on-road vehicles. This way you will be able to get the perfect antenna position for your vehicle.


As you can probably guess, it is really difficult for us to give you the overall range for the GPK-01. This is because it is going to be dependent on overall conditions. However, we can tell you that the tightly woven coil in the antenna is going to boost your range by a huge amount. Even if you have purchased a top-of-the-line CB radio, the in-built antenna is not going to be a match for the signal boost that the GPK-01 will boast, even in the most adverse of conditions.

If you are driving on the road and you need regular contact with other drivers in the immediate area, then the GPK-01 is going to give you all of the range that you need….plus a little bit more.

Sound Quality

Many people who invest in a base antenna are not doing so for the signal boost, they just want something with a bit better sound quality. The GPK-01 also offers that. Obviously, the sound quality will always be dependent on the conditions, the GPK-01 will allow you to make the best of a bad situation. It is 20-inches long, which means it can help to boost the quality of poor frequencies, and may even allow you to tune into communications that you would not be able to do so with the standard antenna on a CB radio.

Thick Antenna

It may not seem like a major thing for you, but it was a major thing for us. The Nagoya GPK-01 is a whopping 2.5mm thick. This may not seem like a lot, but the vast majority of base antennas on the market are 1.5mm thick. This can impact their sound quality and, of course, result in a product that could break at the smallest of touches. Attach the Nagoya GPK-01 to the front of your vehicle, and it is going to last a long time. Rain, sleet or shine, the GPK-01 has your back.

The Downsides

Obviously, there is no such thing as a perfect product. The Nagoya GPK-01 is not an exception to that rule. Although, the downsides are few and far between. We wouldn’t have mentioned it as one of the best base antennas for CB radios if we felt the product left a lot to be desired.

The main issue for most people is that the included adapters are rather terrible. You probably wouldn’t want to use the ones that come packaged with it. Thankfully, the adapters are standard…and cheap. Pick up some when you order your GPK-01 and you are going to have a product that is still affordable, but is going to last you even longer without faltering! This is probably the only issue that really needs to be rectified here.

We do want to point out that customer support for these products will be virtually non-existent. However, you are barely paying anything for your antenna. The lower amount of customer support is fairly justifiable. This is a product that will last you a few years and then you will replace it. This is all expected.

Words of Warning

This should probably go without saying, but you should make sure that you pick-up a genuine Nagoya GPK-01. The Nagoya company has a slew of products that have been seen counterfeited in the marketplace. Obviously, if you pick up one of those, it is not going to have the same benefits that we have listed on this page. It is going to be a dud. Pick up a genuine product, using a trusted retailer. Your CB radio set-up will thank you for it.


As every CB radio needs antenna, it is a very common component for users to want to upgrade to get the best performance. While there are several different antenna on the market, very few of them boast the balance between affordability and quality that the Nagoya GPK-01 boasts. If you want something that you can just attach into your CB radio set-up within a few minutes, then you really aren’t going to get much better than this.

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