Customer Service Button

Posted by on 8/17/2020 to Articles
A customer service button is a alert device that is placed at various locations around a store or business. When a customer presses the button it alerts another device where a sales person or customer service rep can then respond to the customer’s needs. The easiest customer service call buttons to install are wireless.

Customer Service ButtonThese buttons solve a problem that retail stores are having in that they can’t find or afford the staff to properly run the store. Therefore interested customers are less likely to find the assistance they need from staff. A study by trade journal Chain Store Age found that consumers are 93% more likely to buy something when they can get the help they need. In addition they are 85% more likely to buy more than planned so the average sale revenue also goes up.

One of the main reasons people shop in stores versus online is that they can touch a product and ask questions about it. If they can’t find a sales associate to get assistance and complete the transaction, then they will be more likely to buy online anyway.

To stop theft of high ticket items, these items could be placed in locked display cases if the customer has easy access to staff to let them touch the product. They can then be directed to the nearest cash register to check out. So in addition to higher revenue, the call buttons reduce “shrinkage” or loss.

Our wireless customer service call buttons let you record a message that is broadcast to a handheld 2-way radio that staff members carry. We can match frequencies of existing radios if you already have them. The messages can be customized so you already know where the customer is calling from.

Call us at 888-298-9489 and let us guide you to getting the right customer service button for your needs.

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